ARAMA 澳洲小區物業經理協會 因為近來業委會對於新的小區經理面試時無故刁難問些奇怪問題,特別整理出一份題庫,建議業委會在面試時從中挑選問題來詢問小區經理。這份題庫也能讓小區經理做準備,看看自己是否準備好接受這份工作。
澳洲生活智庫地產學院特別獲得 ARAMA 授權將題庫以中文翻譯,幫助新的小區經理們了解面試可能遇到的問題,提早做準備。版權為ARAMA所有,轉載及打印發送請註明這是ARAMA的題庫並由澳洲生活智庫地產學院翻譯。
澳洲生活智庫地產學院特別獲得 ARAMA 授權將題庫以中文翻譯,幫助新的小區經理們了解面試可能遇到的問題,提早做準備。版權為ARAMA所有,轉載及打印發送請註明這是ARAMA的題庫並由澳洲生活智庫地產學院翻譯。
ARAMA 物業管理權面試問題及清單
The purpose of this document is to give Body Corporate Committees and Resident Managers guidance on a set of questions or items of information that the committee may choose to select from to be reasonably satisfied with the assignment of the Management Rights from one party to another. The Committee is not required to choose all items on this checklist. It may choose any number from this list but should avoid going outside this list. The type of questions may vary from operator to operator depending on the operator’s experience.
This document can also be used to prepare the purchaser for what may be required in the lead up to and during the “Assignment Interview”.
Note: Where the proposed new manager is a company these questions relate to the company and all associates (usually directors and any others who will work in the business). Where the proposed new manager is a partnership, the questions relate to all partners and all associates of corporate partners.
This document has been compiled in consultation with the Strata Industry Umbrella Group which consists of Strata Community Australia (Queensland) – SCA(Q), Owners Corporation Network (Queensland) - OCN(Q) and the Australian Resident Accommodation Managers Association – ARAMA. Updated 27/03/2017 and translated by Knowledge Bank Australia.
本文是與Strata Industry Umbrella Group (分契式物業行業總會)協商編制的,該總會包括Strata Community Australia - SCA(Q)分契式社區協會;Owners Corporation Network(昆士蘭州)業主聯合會 - OCN(Q)以及Australian Resident Accommodation Managers Association(ARAMA)澳洲小區經理協會,本文更新於27/03/2017。由澳洲生活智庫地產學院中文翻譯。
This document can also be used to prepare the purchaser for what may be required in the lead up to and during the “Assignment Interview”.
Note: Where the proposed new manager is a company these questions relate to the company and all associates (usually directors and any others who will work in the business). Where the proposed new manager is a partnership, the questions relate to all partners and all associates of corporate partners.
This document has been compiled in consultation with the Strata Industry Umbrella Group which consists of Strata Community Australia (Queensland) – SCA(Q), Owners Corporation Network (Queensland) - OCN(Q) and the Australian Resident Accommodation Managers Association – ARAMA. Updated 27/03/2017 and translated by Knowledge Bank Australia.
本文是與Strata Industry Umbrella Group (分契式物業行業總會)協商編制的,該總會包括Strata Community Australia - SCA(Q)分契式社區協會;Owners Corporation Network(昆士蘭州)業主聯合會 - OCN(Q)以及Australian Resident Accommodation Managers Association(ARAMA)澳洲小區經理協會,本文更新於27/03/2017。由澳洲生活智庫地產學院中文翻譯。
1. Have you submitted two character references to the Body Corporate? Who are they from.
您是否有向社區管理委員會提交了兩份推薦函? 他們是從哪裡來的。
2. Have you ever been convicted of charges involving fraud, dishonesty, bodily harm or assault?
3. Have you been convicted of any criminal offence? Please elaborate.
4. Have you ever been the subject of a domestic violence order? If so, please state the timing of such order.
您曾涉及家庭暴力案件嗎? 如果是,請說明此事發生的時間。
1. Have you submitted two character references to the Body Corporate? Who are they from.
您是否有向社區管理委員會提交了兩份推薦函? 他們是從哪裡來的。
2. Have you ever been convicted of charges involving fraud, dishonesty, bodily harm or assault?
3. Have you been convicted of any criminal offence? Please elaborate.
4. Have you ever been the subject of a domestic violence order? If so, please state the timing of such order.
您曾涉及家庭暴力案件嗎? 如果是,請說明此事發生的時間。
5. What are the pre-settlement and post-settlement tuition periods under your purchase contract?
6. Does the current manager have a checklist of matters that require consultation with you or that relate to the manager’s duties generally?
7. Have you completed the ARAMA Industry Accredited - Management Rights Induction Training Program (MRITP)? Please provide certificate of achievement. If not, when do you intend to do so?
您是否完成了ARAMA行業認可 - 管理權利引導培訓計畫(MRITP)? 請提供成績證明。 如您不能提供的話,您打算何時提供?
8. Are you a member of ARAMA? If not, why not?
9. Have you completed the on-line training for committee’s program via the BCCM Commissioners website? Please provide certificate of completion. If not, when do you intend to do so?
您是否通過BCCM網站完成了社區委員會線上培訓? 請提供完成證明。如果沒有,您打算何時完成?
5. What are the pre-settlement and post-settlement tuition periods under your purchase contract?
6. Does the current manager have a checklist of matters that require consultation with you or that relate to the manager’s duties generally?
7. Have you completed the ARAMA Industry Accredited - Management Rights Induction Training Program (MRITP)? Please provide certificate of achievement. If not, when do you intend to do so?
您是否完成了ARAMA行業認可 - 管理權利引導培訓計畫(MRITP)? 請提供成績證明。 如您不能提供的話,您打算何時提供?
8. Are you a member of ARAMA? If not, why not?
9. Have you completed the on-line training for committee’s program via the BCCM Commissioners website? Please provide certificate of completion. If not, when do you intend to do so?
您是否通過BCCM網站完成了社區委員會線上培訓? 請提供完成證明。如果沒有,您打算何時完成?
10. Have you ever had judgement entered against you for a debt? If so, please elaborate.
您是否曾因債務而面臨判決? 如有,請詳細說明。
11. Are you involved in any litigation of any description? If so, please elaborate.
您是否曾捲入任何形式的訴訟? 如有,請詳細說明。
12. Have you ever been declared bankrupt? If so, please state the timing of such matter.
您是否曾被宣佈破產? 如有,請說明事件發生的時間。
13. Have you ever been involved with a company that has gone into voluntary administration, receivership of liquidation? If so, please elaborate.
您是否曾供職於一個已經進入自願管理破產程序及接管清算的公司? 如果是,請詳細說明。
14. Which person/s or entity is buying the manager’s unit and what relationship is there between the buyer of the unit and the buyer of the business?
15. Are you borrowing money to purchase the business and the unit? If so has your finance application been approved and which bank or financial institution is providing the loan for the purchase?
您是借錢來購買這個生意跟經理房的嗎? 如果是的話,您的貸款申請是否獲得批准?哪個銀行或金融機構向您提供了貸款?
16. What percentage of the total value of the business and unit is being borrowed?
17. Are you confident that you will be able to meet your financial obligations with respect to borrowings?
18. Have you engaged an accountant or a suitably qualified professional to carry out an income verification report for the business?
19. Will you agree in writing to be bound by the obligations under the Management Rights Agreements as if you were named as an original party?
20. If the proposed new manager is a company are its directors and principal shareholders prepared to give the Body Corporate personal guarantees for the performance of the company’s obligations under the relevant Agreements?
10. Have you ever had judgement entered against you for a debt? If so, please elaborate.
您是否曾因債務而面臨判決? 如有,請詳細說明。
11. Are you involved in any litigation of any description? If so, please elaborate.
您是否曾捲入任何形式的訴訟? 如有,請詳細說明。
12. Have you ever been declared bankrupt? If so, please state the timing of such matter.
您是否曾被宣佈破產? 如有,請說明事件發生的時間。
13. Have you ever been involved with a company that has gone into voluntary administration, receivership of liquidation? If so, please elaborate.
您是否曾供職於一個已經進入自願管理破產程序及接管清算的公司? 如果是,請詳細說明。
14. Which person/s or entity is buying the manager’s unit and what relationship is there between the buyer of the unit and the buyer of the business?
15. Are you borrowing money to purchase the business and the unit? If so has your finance application been approved and which bank or financial institution is providing the loan for the purchase?
您是借錢來購買這個生意跟經理房的嗎? 如果是的話,您的貸款申請是否獲得批准?哪個銀行或金融機構向您提供了貸款?
16. What percentage of the total value of the business and unit is being borrowed?
17. Are you confident that you will be able to meet your financial obligations with respect to borrowings?
18. Have you engaged an accountant or a suitably qualified professional to carry out an income verification report for the business?
19. Will you agree in writing to be bound by the obligations under the Management Rights Agreements as if you were named as an original party?
20. If the proposed new manager is a company are its directors and principal shareholders prepared to give the Body Corporate personal guarantees for the performance of the company’s obligations under the relevant Agreements?
21. Have you submitted a resume of your past work experiences and references from previous employers? Who is it from?
22. There may be physical elements required for this role as such do you have any physical impairment or other health issues that may affect the performance of your duties? If so, please elaborate.
這個職位可能需要好的身體素質,因此您是否患有任何可能影響您職責的身體障礙或其它健康問題? 如有,請詳細說明。
23. Please give details of any written or oral English language difficulties that may affect the performance of your duties and how you plan to manage this.
24. Will you be employing staff? If so, then what will they do for you?
您會雇用工作人員嗎? 如果會,那麼他們會為您做什麼?
25. Outline the extent to which you be involved in the day to day running of the business?
26. Will you take out and maintain professional indemnity insurance to cover the Body Corporate against your negligence? Who is the insurer and what is the amount of cover?
您是否會購買專業責任保險保障社區管理委員會對於您工作疏失上的損害? 保險公司是哪家,保險金額是多少?
27. Can you explain in broad terms the provisions of the Body Corporate and Community Management Act and applicable Regulation Module?
28. Can you explain in broad terms the Property Occupations Act and Regulations Module that relate to your role as letting agent?
29. What are some examples of your obligations under the Code of Conduct of these two Acts?
30. Do you have any questions or comments to make about your duties, rights and responsibilities which are outlined in the Management Rights Agreement with the Body Corporate?
31. Do you have any questions or comments to make about the schemes By-laws?
32. Can you tell us what the by-laws say about parking of vehicles?
33. Can you tell us what the by-laws say about pets?
34. Can you tell us what the by-laws say about hours of operation of the swimming pool?
35. Have you ever owned or worked in a Management Rights Business before? If so, please tell us about it, including your reasons for leaving and give us the names of the buildings.
您是否曾擁有或從事過與管理權生意相關的工作? 如果有的話,請告訴我們詳情,包括您離開的原因及建築物名稱。
36. What size buildings were those and how do they compare to this one?
37. Have you provided references from the Body Corporate of those buildings or committee members?
38. Have you ever owned or worked in a business or in a role similar to a Management Rights Business? If so, please tell us about that.
您是否曾擁有或從事過類似於管理權利生意的工作? 如有,請告訴我們。
39. Do you have any formal trade or educational qualifications? If yes, please
provide details.
您有任何正式的技工或學歷資格嗎? 如有,請提供詳細資訊。
40. Do you have any specific clerical or administrative skills? If yes, please provide details.
您有何具體的文書或行政管理技能? 如有,請提供詳細資訊。
41. Are you proficient in gardening, cleaning, pool, spa and general maintenance (if applicable)? Please elaborate.
您是否精通園藝、清潔、游泳池、水療池和一般維護(如適用)? 請詳細說明。
42. Do you have your resident letting agent’s licence or any other real estate licence? If not, have you applied for one? If so, have you done the requisite study modules and have you passed those?
您有小區出租經理執照或其它房地產仲介執照嗎? 如果沒有,您是否已申請了? 如您已申請,您是否已完成必要的學習課程且合格了?
43. Have you been granted a real estate licence of any description? Or had an application for a real estate license refused or a real estate license revoked?
44. Do you have a business plan detailing how you will you run the business? If so, please provide.
關於如何經營業務,您有詳細的商業計畫嗎? 如有,請提供。
45. Are there any apparent ways in which the building is currently managed that you would like to change or improve? Please elaborate.
對於當前建築物的管理方式,您想對其進行改變或改進? 請詳細說明。
46. Can you tell us in your own words why you believe you will be able to carry out the inherent duties required of you under the Management Rights Agreements?
21. Have you submitted a resume of your past work experiences and references from previous employers? Who is it from?
22. There may be physical elements required for this role as such do you have any physical impairment or other health issues that may affect the performance of your duties? If so, please elaborate.
這個職位可能需要好的身體素質,因此您是否患有任何可能影響您職責的身體障礙或其它健康問題? 如有,請詳細說明。
23. Please give details of any written or oral English language difficulties that may affect the performance of your duties and how you plan to manage this.
24. Will you be employing staff? If so, then what will they do for you?
您會雇用工作人員嗎? 如果會,那麼他們會為您做什麼?
25. Outline the extent to which you be involved in the day to day running of the business?
26. Will you take out and maintain professional indemnity insurance to cover the Body Corporate against your negligence? Who is the insurer and what is the amount of cover?
您是否會購買專業責任保險保障社區管理委員會對於您工作疏失上的損害? 保險公司是哪家,保險金額是多少?
27. Can you explain in broad terms the provisions of the Body Corporate and Community Management Act and applicable Regulation Module?
28. Can you explain in broad terms the Property Occupations Act and Regulations Module that relate to your role as letting agent?
29. What are some examples of your obligations under the Code of Conduct of these two Acts?
30. Do you have any questions or comments to make about your duties, rights and responsibilities which are outlined in the Management Rights Agreement with the Body Corporate?
31. Do you have any questions or comments to make about the schemes By-laws?
32. Can you tell us what the by-laws say about parking of vehicles?
33. Can you tell us what the by-laws say about pets?
34. Can you tell us what the by-laws say about hours of operation of the swimming pool?
35. Have you ever owned or worked in a Management Rights Business before? If so, please tell us about it, including your reasons for leaving and give us the names of the buildings.
您是否曾擁有或從事過與管理權生意相關的工作? 如果有的話,請告訴我們詳情,包括您離開的原因及建築物名稱。
36. What size buildings were those and how do they compare to this one?
37. Have you provided references from the Body Corporate of those buildings or committee members?
38. Have you ever owned or worked in a business or in a role similar to a Management Rights Business? If so, please tell us about that.
您是否曾擁有或從事過類似於管理權利生意的工作? 如有,請告訴我們。
39. Do you have any formal trade or educational qualifications? If yes, please
provide details.
您有任何正式的技工或學歷資格嗎? 如有,請提供詳細資訊。
40. Do you have any specific clerical or administrative skills? If yes, please provide details.
您有何具體的文書或行政管理技能? 如有,請提供詳細資訊。
41. Are you proficient in gardening, cleaning, pool, spa and general maintenance (if applicable)? Please elaborate.
您是否精通園藝、清潔、游泳池、水療池和一般維護(如適用)? 請詳細說明。
42. Do you have your resident letting agent’s licence or any other real estate licence? If not, have you applied for one? If so, have you done the requisite study modules and have you passed those?
您有小區出租經理執照或其它房地產仲介執照嗎? 如果沒有,您是否已申請了? 如您已申請,您是否已完成必要的學習課程且合格了?
43. Have you been granted a real estate licence of any description? Or had an application for a real estate license refused or a real estate license revoked?
44. Do you have a business plan detailing how you will you run the business? If so, please provide.
關於如何經營業務,您有詳細的商業計畫嗎? 如有,請提供。
45. Are there any apparent ways in which the building is currently managed that you would like to change or improve? Please elaborate.
對於當前建築物的管理方式,您想對其進行改變或改進? 請詳細說明。
46. Can you tell us in your own words why you believe you will be able to carry out the inherent duties required of you under the Management Rights Agreements?
以上的問題委員會當然不會全問,也不見得會照著題庫一字一句地問。若是被問到難題,回答的內容不見得重要,但回答的態度更為重要。不知道的就說在交接前會去找到答案並請前任經理給予指導與培訓。建議新人要向委員會表明自己會參加 Australian Property Managers Alliance 會員經常與其他經理交流、有意願加入ARAMA 澳洲小區物業經理公會會員、願意報名參與如 ABMA 建物管理準則的培訓等等,讓委員會看到我們有做好工作的決心。
以上的問題委員會當然不會全問,也不見得會照著題庫一字一句地問。若是被問到難題,回答的內容不見得重要,但回答的態度更為重要。不知道的就說在交接前會去找到答案並請前任經理給予指導與培訓。建議新人要向委員會表明自己會參加 Australian Property Managers Alliance 會員經常與其他經理交流、有意願加入ARAMA 澳洲小區物業經理公會會員、願意報名參與如 ABMA 建物管理準則的培訓等等,讓委員會看到我們有做好工作的決心。