自今年水災以來,素有陽光之州的昆士蘭都快失去這個美稱了,這雨下得連物業經理都快要發霉了。 我那天到了樓下車庫旁的健身房,看到健身器材都發霉了自己都忍不住笑了出來,當初我就懷疑家裡設一個健身房到底有誰會常用?積灰也就罷了,想不到還發霉了!上樓把家裡人都取笑了一遍。 然後我接連幾天都在微信被學生們問到關於租客報告出租房發霉的事,租客們要求房東要負責清除黴菌並且降租,甚至還有公寓業主要求業委會負責家裡的黴菌的。據除霉清潔公司表示,目前是十一年來最忙的時候,一個月從1000件諮詢暴增到5000件!而今年這個「霉季」可能從五月一直延續至十月!它們甚至認為每月案件能夠增加到20,000例! 黴菌在潮濕的季節裡,雨不停的下,霉也不停的長。發霉對身體健康是有嚴重的危害的!因為造成發霉現象的黴菌,不但會釋放出過敏物質,引發過敏、氣喘,有些毒性強的黴菌甚至會引起嚴重的肺部病變,甚至死亡。缺乏通風又潮濕的牆壁、天花板、隔熱層、床墊、地毯、窗簾、木頭、磁磚縫隙都有可能滋生黴菌,而發霉是不是房東的責任則要看是否是建築結構所造成的問題。租客也有可能有責任,因為保持潮濕房間如浴室的良好通風是要靠租客的生活習慣。 如果今天房屋發霉是因為房頂或窗戶漏雨或水管漏水所造成的,這肯定是房東的責任。法律有規定房東有責任確保出租房保持是一個健康與安全的居住環境,而且這些發霉問題也應該在租客報告後盡快地處理。就算租約上註明了發霉由租客負責,如果這發霉是因為房屋結構設計問題所引起的,還是應該由房東負責。 但如果今天租客把溼答答的浴巾就直接丟在地毯上悶著造成地毯發霉,或者是洗澡不開排風扇、浴缸水不漏掉、洗完澡不開窗通風等,那麼這就應該是租客的責任。 可是我發現大部分的情況下,發霉問題最終都還是房東來處理,因為很難證明是租客使用不當。例如就曾經有物業經理學生跟我說租客堅持是浴室排風扇不夠給力,最後房東還是去換了個更強力的排風扇。 其實物業經理應該要鼓勵租客立即報告發現的發霉問題,而不是讓租客與霉共存。早點發現發霉的原因或許能避免漏水問題的進一步擴大。如果不是建築本身的問題,我們也能向租客宣導如何防範及處理黴菌。 黴菌需要濕度與養分才能長,所以除濕就是除霉的關鍵。陽光的曝曬是最好,但陰雨綿綿時,把空調打開除溼功能或用除濕機也會有幫助。家具盡可能不要放太靠近牆壁,留點空隙讓空氣可以流通。網路上也有在賣一些除濕盒,裡面的物質能夠吸收空氣中的水分,適合放在櫃子裡除濕。減少房屋裡的植物也能減少黴菌的滋生。 根據昆士蘭州政府的建議,白醋與清水 3:2 的比例可以用來除霉。70%的酒精也有一定的效果。用來擦拭黴菌的抹布請用後丟棄,不建議用刷子類的東西因為可能造成擴散傳播。除霉時要記得戴口罩跟手套。有些人用漂白水來除霉,但是據說只是把黴菌給漂白了並沒有真正殺死黴菌。專家推薦使用 Clove Oil 丁香精油,因為丁香精油能夠真正殺死黴菌。 雖然丁香精油是純天然的環保產品,但是直接接觸皮膚還是有可能過敏,務必帶著手套及口罩再來除霉。專家建議先拿個噴壺,一公升的水混入四分之一茶匙的丁香精油,輕輕噴灑發霉的表面,24小時後用3:2的白醋水擦拭死掉的黴菌。對潮濕易發霉的地方,還可以去買特粗的大粉筆滴幾滴丁香精油讓味道自然散發可以殺死黴菌。對於發霉的木頭或皮質,四分之一茶匙的丁香精油混250ml的嬰兒油,薄薄一層的油塗在木頭或真皮表面即可殺死霉菌。 不過據說現在丁香精油現在像是當初的洗手液一樣很難買到,茶樹精油也有類似的效果,市面上還是有很多其他殺菌清潔劑。重點還是除濕才能治本斷根。 施老師對於租客報告發霉問題的回覆範本:
Thank you very much for reporting the mould issue in your rental property, we will come and inspect the problem as soon as possible with appropriate notice of entry. The landlord has the responsibility to maintain the property within reasonable state of habitation and a reasonable state of repair, if the mould issue was caused by the quality and structure of the building, we will certainly arrange repairs if we can identify the sources of moisture or dampness that are causing the mould. However, you also have a responsibility to ensure there is adequate ventilation in areas that are prone to moisture, such as bathroom, kitchen and laundry or other wet areas in the property. Please turn on ventilation fans in the bathroom when in use and keep it on for a while after use. Allow sun lights into the room in sunny days and open windows to keep air flow . We care about your health and safety, but the continuous raining days has caused mould outbreak all across the state, it would be our joint responsibility to resolve the mould issue. The property was mould free as per the entry condition report and unless it is caused by structural issue, it is important for you to remove the mould as soon as possible. If your possessions are likely to be damaged, you should try and move them to minimise the loss. Keep your furniture away from the mould surface to allow airflow. We suggest that you can use 3 part vinegar and 2 part warm water, wear gloves and mask to clean the mould surface, dispose the clothes used to wipe the mould. Avoid touching or inhaling the mould. We thank you once again for reporting the issue so we can investigate the potential causes or damage. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
作者施伯欣從小就知道自己有一天會被稱呼為「老施」只是沒想到這一天那麼早來臨。澳洲布里斯本著名的房地產講師,上千位的地產從業人員都尊稱「老師」。 歷史回顧
August 2023